- Lots of variety
- Get to try food from different restaurants throughout the evening
- Some walking to burn off the calories while eating
- Overall great experience
- Registration took a long time
- Not enough time to wait for a table (huge crowd due to the event) and get around to all the places-- very strapped for time (6:00-9:30pm but lining up for registration took us until 7:30pm)
- This particular location was a bit sketch when it got darker =/
Alright, lets move onto the food! Since registration was at Catch 122, Adorables and I decided to stay and eat there first! They were offering a Pressed Confit Pork Shoulder, Smoked Potato, Pork Crackling. The confit was slightly crispy but so moist and tender in the middle and flavorful. It went so well with the creamy potato thing on top of it (looked more mashed than smoked hehe)-- it in itself was delicious! The pork crackling on the other hand, was confusing to me. It was hard and not very crispy =/ Looked pretty though!
The House-made Tortellini with Quebec Cheese Curd, House-smoked Bacon, in Soubise Sauce was a bit underwhelming. The pasta was al dente, filling didn't stand out (wheres the bacon?!), and the sauce didn't seem to belong with the "dish". Presentation-wise though, it was nice to the eyes =)
Finally! Dessert was "krehm broo LAY" (Cointreau custard, sugar biscuit, lavender meringue, mint). The both of us wondered for the longest time what the white crumbly bits on top with no flavor were-- then reading this again, had an "ah-ha!" moment =P Custard portion was a bit soft and grainy for my liking, but the sugar biscuit idea was ingenious. Don't think there was mint because of the giant sugared orange slice on top ;)
I tried to be methodical and choose a good route for our self-guided tour, Hives for Humanity (collaborating with Martin's Marvelous Naturals) was down the street, so we ended there first! They offered a DTES Raw Honey served on the Comb with Martin's Marvelous Rosemary Lavender and Chocolate Mole Crisps.
The honey was great, it was light and sweet (but not too sweet), along with the crisps, it was a nice snack! I preferred the Rosemary Lavender Crisp because the floral hints enhanced the honey rather than overwhelm and conceal the honey flavor (like the choco one).
Down the street was Bitter Tasting Room. The wait was quite long since our group moved to the small establishment almost all at once! Many thanks to a fellow foodster who put my name on the waitlist (I was too scared to write my name on there without making sure we were allowed or not), Adorables and I were seated after a 10 minute wait. Here, they offered a (soft) Taco with Barbecue Pulled Pork, Fresh Cut Slaw, and Pepperoncini Aioli. It didn't look too amazing on the plate, but the flavors were all there.
The pulled pork was tender, moist, and perfect tanginess. Slaw cut out the fatty feeling of the Aioli (which wasn't too strong but made the taco nice and moist). Worth the wait! Waitresses were friendly and attentive too! =)
Next was Burgundy Restaurant. They have an open "artsy" feel to it. Too bad neither of us drink, since they had a free complimentary wine tasting =( Their Goat Cheese Fondue was a very smart design, since they had a little holder to prevent fondue from dripping down! I liked the fruit and bread pairing with it, refreshing and made the goat cheese lighter.
There was a small Beef Bourguignon (something like a nice beef stew minus the sauce). I had one tiny piece of beef, which was tender and a bit dry, but the veggies were yummy as the flavors were infused nicely.
This place also offered dessert! Luckily there were two of us, so we got to try both desserts!
Adorables got the Chocolate Mousse, which was nice and creamy-- a bit hard to put in my mouth because of the design =P Also had to photobomb and shift the focus of the camera for this pic heh heh >:]
I got the Orange Galliano Sorbet, tangy and cold. Nicely orangey! Traded Adorables for it since he's not one for sweets whereas I have a huge sweet tooth ^-^
Due to parking circumstances, we took a detour to Trees Organic first (who wouldn't want dessert in the middle of their meal anyways? =D) Greeted by a super fun cashier, we were directed to some coffee and had some more dessert =)
The New York Cheesecake was too soft, felt like it was melting! Flavors were there, I just wish the crust were not so crumbly. And then there was their monthly special, a Almond Marzipan Cheesecake. This was REALLY SWEET but the graham cracker crust was nicer. Plating was pretty, except for Adorables'... his NY cheesecake was oozy =P
Moving on, we noticed how strapped for time we were, so we rushed over to Salt Tasting Room-- through a scary Blood Alley x.x I seriously thought I would get jumped and killed there.
Anyhow, got there, and went DOWNSTAIRS to a cellar! Super interesting!
Here, they offered Salt's Classic Tasting Plate (Small Size): 2 meats, one cheese, 3 condiments, crackers-- tonight, we got 2 pieces of prosciutto, aged cheddar, three pieces of house-made baguette, mustard, and cherry jam. The prosciutto was delicious and I loved the cheddar-- creamy and cheesy! The mustard was a bit strong for me, the cherry jam was interesting (tangy and sweet, couldn't' quite taste the cherry). I found the baguette too dry and chewy =(
Either way! Here, they had a Steak & Ale Stew on Colcannon (Irish Mashed Potatoes). Or so the menu said. What I saw was pie and fries. Not that I minded. Adorables noted that the pie tasted like a beef version of the chicken pot pie from Costco, and I can't disagree. It was rich and meaty, well-balanced flavors. Crust was flaky and the fries were crispy on the outside, moist and fluffy on the inside. I couldn't finish it though-- ended up packing most of it home haha!
Overall, this was a great experience because I got to have so much variety in one evening! I also was pretty stuffed (I started off being concerned whether it would be enough food, since the portions were tiny) at the end of the night, and couldn't be happier stuffed ^-^ Highly recommended! Great for date nights, I may try the other locations! =) Many thanks to Adorables for the photos! And lovely company! <3 Until next time peeps!